Media & News Articles

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Article Top-Gun Navy Pilots Fly at the Extremes. Their Brains May Suffer.

The No Fallen Heroes Foundation was featured in an article about the Navy’s long-overdue investigation into brain injuries in fighter pilots, highlighting our work in helping over 50 heroes heal through psychedelic-assisted therapy.

China's Stealth Ambitions: “Unveiling” a sixth-generation aircraft

Whiz speaks to Weapons and Warfare host Ryan Robertson about Chinas new Stealth Aircraft and what it means for the future of US Aviation

Navy fighter pilot Matthew 'Whiz' Buckley advocates for psychedelics to heal veterans

Retired Navy fighter pilot Matthew 'Whiz' Buckley explains how new psychedelic therapies can help veterans deal with PTSD and depression on 'Varney & Co.'

“Whiz” Buckley Explains Why FDA Rejected MDMA For PTSD

Looking at psychedelics in our latest Trade To Black podcast, Life Science Investor and Military Veteran Matthew “Whiz” Buckley, joins us again to shed light on the reasons behind the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA)...

Interview: Matthew 'Whiz' Buckley speaks about the use of psychedelic substances to help veterans

Whiz speaks with WTVM about his work healing veterans and first responders with psychedelic assisted therapy

From Fighter Pilot to Healer: A Journey with Ibogaine and Zappy Zapolin

In this powerful and transformative story, a fighter pilot opens up to Zappy Zapolin about his journey to healing through plant medicine. Battling the aftermath of trauma and addiction to alcohol...

Veterans dealing with PTSD during New Years fireworks

New Years Eve celebrations often include firework shows across the country, but for many military veterans, those events can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). LiveNOW's Austin Westfall...

From Fighter Pilot to Healer: A Journey with Ibogaine and Zappy Zapolin

In this powerful and transformative story, a fighter pilot opens up to Zappy Zapolin about his journey to healing through plant medicine. Battling the aftermath of trauma and addiction to alcohol...

Max Afterburner Podcast

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The Only Motivational Speaker In The World that Can Take You Flying In a Fighter Jet 

"I was very fortunate to receive a jet ride with Whiz, which was one of the best experiences of my life. During it, we immediately connected on our mutual Navy service, love of our families, and supporting veterans. When the opportunity arose for a keynote speaker at my organization’s leadership summit, I knew Whiz was the ideal leader to present."

Jeremy Singer
Senior Assoc. General Counsel

From Sea Level to C Level

From the Front Lines to the Front Office

Written through the eyes of a former Navy fighter pilot who turns his Naval experience into a hugely successful career, first in corporate America, then as a thriving entrepreneur and philanthropist. The book draws upon the Navy’s unparalleled approach to planning, execution, strategy, and leadership and offers a completely unique and proprietary set of tools that men and women in any profession can use to drive their careers to new heights.

The book serves as a critical takeaway for teams Whiz works with to improve their performance and execution.

Book Whiz As Your Next Keynote Speaker

Decorated TOPGUN Fighter Pilot, Experienced Business Executive, Best Selling Author, Philanthropist

All Content Copyright © 2024
Matthew Whiz Buckley